Thursday, February 12, 2015

Online Assessments using PowerSchool sign-in

Did you know that students have a PowerSchool sign-in? This sign in allows them to view their grades and take online assessments through SchoolNet. Teachers at both schools have discussed the power of students having the knowledge to access their own grades. Students can track their grades and see which assignments they are missing. 

Teachers can also use their PowerSchool sign-in to give online assessments or assign resources for students to view. Find and click on the assessment, or create a new assessment. Click "Ready to Schedule" and then, "Schedule" the assessment. 

In the scheduling options, select test administration dates. Under online test options, an online passcode for the assessment is assigned. Students can use this passcode to gain access to the test. 

You can also "enforce test times" to restrict student access to only during school hours. Click edit assignment at the bottom to assign the assessment to your students. 
Students will access the test by signing in through Parent Portal
Once signed in, students should click on the SchoolNet icon to log in to SchoolNet. Assigned assessments and resources will be listed on the student's account, or there is a spot for students to type the assessment passcode.  
Signing in to Parent Portal will give students access to see their grades and classroom assignments as well. 

SchoolNet Resources

For our first Tech in Ten professional development session, we discussed the resources that SchoolNet offers. I know, I know, you're thinking, "Not again!" The truth is, SchoolNet is growing and improving as we speak. The instructional resources included are good, quality resources across subject areas. Have you checked lately? Once you sign in, hover over Classroom and click Instructional Materials

Change "Materials" to "Standards" in the drop-down menu. This will allow you to choose either Common Core State Standards or NC Essential Standards. Then, you can choose your subject and grade level. 
SchoolNet's instructional resources are divided into curricula, instructional units, lesson plans, assessments, resources, external resources. Resources and assessments can be assigned to students to be completed online.